Title (NDT)
SITCO is a leading non-destructive testing company in Korea.
We have successfully completed projects in facilities requiring high-quality and high-tech such as nuclear/thermal power plants construction and preventive maintenance, and LNG
storage tanks. We have established our position as a trusted inspection company, receiving recognition from both domestic and international clients.
- Inspection Fields
- Plant and Raw Materials
- Refineries and Petrochemical Plants
- Shipbuilding and Offshore Platforms
- Power Generation Facilities and Steelmaking Plants
- Steel Bridges and Structures
- Electronics and Automotive
Inspection Methods
- Radiographic Testing (RT)
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
- Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
- Penetrant Testing (PT)
- Leak Testing (LT)
- Eddy Current Testing (ECT)
- Visual Testing (VT)
- Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)
- Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT)
- CR (Computed Radiography)
- TOFD (Time of Flight Diffraction)
- Hardness Test
- Ferrite Content Measurement
- Thickness Measurement
- Positive Material Identification (PMI)
- Wire Rope Defect Measurement (Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL))
- Helium Leak Test (LNG Tank)
- Tank Bottom Corrosion Measurement (MFL: Magnetic Flux Leakage)
- Corrosion Measurement under Insulation (PEC: Pulsed Eddy Current Test)
- Tube Corrosion Measurement (IRIS: Internal Rotary Inspection System)